Prepare K-12 Staff for Success in California Schools

Empower staff with the skills they need to be effective in their roles from day one.

At 321 Insight, we provide bite-sized, relevant, and engaging job-embedded PD and training for K-12 staff, delivered on-demand or in-person.

With staff retention and challenging student behavior among the most significant problems facing California educators today, it’s critical that all K-12 staff receive targeted, job-specific training to be more effective with students, address challenging behavior, and feel greater satisfaction and commitment to the profession.

321 Insight provides bite-sized, relevant PD solutions for all K-12 staff, so they have the mindset and skill set they need to be successful from their very first day on the job.

From Onboarding to Ongoing PD

Our flexible PD includes bite-sized 3-13 minute videos - plus tracking and reporting - and fits any schedule or need throughout the year.

Job-Specific, Relevant Content

We take the guesswork out of professional learning by providing targeted training based on specific classified and certified job roles.

Increased Staff Retention

When you empower your staff with the skills they need to be effective and feel fulfilled by the job, you'll improve overall staff retention.

Our Training Solutions for PK-12 Educators

Are your paraeducators prepared?

Equip them with the right tools, skills, and mindset to build their confidence and become more effective educators. Through videos, discussions, and planning tools, they will learn how to better understand and manage challenging behavior, teach academic and social-emotional skills, develop positive relationships and more.

Are your teachers effectively coaching and supervising their paras?

Strong teacher-paraeducator partnerships are the foundation of a successful learning environment. These bite-sized videos and resources offer strategies to help develop effective partnerships that support and benefit all students.

Is Your District or School Equipped To Handle The Impacts Of Trauma And Adversity?

Help ALL of your staff create a mindset and skill set to help foster student resilience and create a culture of well-being. This series includes bite-sized on-demand videos on the research, strategies, and tactics to use to address the impacts of trauma. It also offers job-specific guides for all classified roles, and admin tools to help better understand and prepare for behavioral challenges by building a trauma-informed environment.

Does your staff have the opportunity to connect and learn new skills in job-specific PD?

Your staff will benefit from in-person and virtual facilitated hands-on professional development. We offer customizable PD workshops for just your paraeducators or all staff. Our services range from virtual moderation of discussion groups to management of cohorts or other groups for ongoing PD, and more.

Hear from CA districts

Learn how Desert Sands USD in La Quinta, CA uses ParaSharp On-Demand PD to train their paraeducators to be more effective with students!

Try our Bite-Sized PD

Request a free trial of the ParaSharp and/or Trauma Informed series, and get more information on our Teacher-Para Partnerships series and Facilitated PD.