321 Insight Launches New PD Series for Teachers Who Work With Paras

Strong teacher-paraeducator partnerships are the foundation of a successful learning environment, especially given staff shortages and evolving demands on educators. 321 Insight’s new, bite-sized videos and resources offer strategies to help develop effective partnerships that support and benefit all students.

“We recognize that the process of effectively training paraeducators must include those who work most closely with them in the classroom – teachers,” said Alia Jackson, President & CEO of 321 Insight. “We created this on-demand PD series for leaders and teachers who work with, coach, and supervise paras to provide the practical guidance that will ultimately make everyone more effective with each other as teammates, and with students.” 

Designed to fit into any teacher’s schedule, this 4-video series takes only 30 minutes to complete, and focuses on helping teachers:

  • Understand the importance of strong partnerships with paras
  • Identify paraeducator roles and responsibilities
  • Develop the 5 keys to creating strong and positive partnerships
  • Effectively coach and supervise paraeducators

Each video in this series includes a summary and discussion guide, and is designed to fit perfectly into staff or team meetings, PLCs, or independent PD. To watch a brief video and learn more, click here.

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